You may be having these following thoughts: What is a “playfest”? Do you have to dress up? Is it similar to L.A.R.P.I.N.G or a renaissance fair? It’s at the Shakespeare Theater so maybe we’re going…
You may be having these following thoughts: What is a “playfest”? Do you have to dress up? Is it similar to L.A.R.P.I.N.G or a renaissance fair? It’s at the Shakespeare Theater so maybe we’re going…
Students take a bow after a performance. How many times have you had an entire texting conversation just using Emojis and acronyms, such as “lshmson” (laughing so hard milk shot out nose)? Today deciphering…
The cast of The Frog and Princess with their ASL shadows. For every Children’s Series production there is a special performance date labeled “ASL,” but what does that even entail? At Orlando Shakes it means…
I vividly remember my first show at the Orlando Shakespeare theatre. My school scheduled a field trip during our Shakespeare lesson in fifth grade, and we saw As You Like It. I was mesmerized watching the…
Get to know actress Anne Hering and her process of portraying Maude Gutman. Orlando Shakes favorite Anne Hering is back on the stage this Fall after recent appearances in Bad Dog, A Christmas Carol,…