Virtual Performing Arts Events from Orlando Shakes
Social Distancing Event Round Up
Experience the joy of theater from the comfort and safety of your home!
Despite the current circumstance, we at Orlando Shakes remain dedicated to bringing performances and arts education to our community. Below we’ve rounded up all our online offerings to keep you entertained, from classes and camps to video-on-demand performances.
FREE Virtual Shakesbeer: As You Like It Edition
“Love is merely a madness…” In this drunken interactive virtual experience you’ll find Orlando and Rosalind navigating the plights of young love over a pint of beer. Four actors and our trusted narrator (and drinking guide) will tackle an inebriated–oops, abbreviated–version of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy.
When: Friday, August 21, 2020 at 8:00 pm
Where: Join us for a LIVE stream on our Orlando Shakes Facebook page.
This event is made possible by the Virtual ShakesBeer Partners: Orlando Fringe and the Bear and Peacock Brewstillery.
Watch Previous ShakesBeer Productions:
FREE Virtual Shakesbeer: Macbeth Edition
“Double, double, toil and trouble…” In this drunken interactive virtual experience you’ll find Macbeth and his lady plotting their ambitious rise to power over a pint of beer. Four actors and our trusted narrator (and drinking guide) will tackle an inebriated–oops, abbreviated–version of Shakespeare’s supernatural tragedy.
When: Friday, July 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Where: Join us for a LIVE stream on our Orlando Shakes Facebook page.
Virtual Adult Classes
Brush up your acting skills by joining one of our professional instructors for a Zoom class with a variety of topics ranging from Shakespeare to audition technique.
View Adult ClassesVirtual Performing Arts Summer Camps
Spark imagination for the rest of the day by participating in a morning of creative fun! Virtual summer camps provide a whole new way to play, as well as real-time social interaction with peers and breaks for craft time and snacks. Camps will be taught online via a ZOOM video conference. Students will need access to a device with internet access and a webcam.
Can you do theater over ZOOM? Yes! Students will learn how to use their voices, bodies, and imaginations to tell a story in this new digital medium. All you will need are the supplies you have in your house!
Camps culminate in a virtual shareformance for friends and family on the last day.
Unsure if virtual camp is the right fit?
Experience a taste of our upcoming digital summer camps FREE of charge! Camp Jams will take place on ZOOM video conferencing. Students will need a device with internet access and a webcam. Camp Jams include dancing, games, and other digital fun! Parents are welcome to join! Sign-up for FREE Camp Jams Now!
Options for students Age 4 – Grade 12 begin June 1!
View Virtual CampsFREE Virtual Shakesbeer: Hamlet
“Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.” In this drunken interactive virtual experience you’ll find Hamlet plotting his revenge and pondering life’s biggest questions over a pint of beer. Four actors and our trusted narrator (and drinking guide) will tackle an inebriated–oops, abbreviated–version of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy.
When: Friday, June 12, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Where: Join us for a LIVE stream on our Orlando Shakes Facebook page.
Michael Andrew’s Jack and the Beanstalk
Will you dare to reach new heights? From the urban jungle to the quaint countryside, Jack is well known for his sense of adventure – or at least in his daydreams. When it’s up to our hero to rescue new friends, his bravery will be put to the test. Amongst giants, mystery, and magic, join Jack on an exhilarating, musical escapade to a land above the clouds!
When: Friday, May 29, 2020 at 12:00 pm (EST)
Where: Tune in to WUCF-TV, your local PBS station