Costume Shop – Orlando Shakes Renovation
Costume Shop Fitting Room
As we continue renovations inside the costume shop, we are giving our fitting rooms a complete makeover. From new paint to new floors, we are excited to create a cleaner and refreshing space for our amazing actors.
“Our department is really focusing on the actor experience during this renovation process,” Costume Shop Supervisor Mel Barger said “We are replacing and upgrading the lighting with LEDs, making it more energy-efficient, and are also in the process of making these lights color-changing and dimmable – so it’s better for putting on makeup. Overall, we’re looking forward to making this a better experience for these actors and seeing the remodeled space once completed.”
New Fitting Room
Old Fitting Room
Costume Shop Temporary Home
Welcome to the Patrons’ Room – our new and temporary home for our costume collection! Due to construction on our roof at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, these costumes are being preserved and protected from any fallen debris. In the meantime, these archives are being photographed and inventoried for record-keeping. Currently, we have over 7,500 pounds of attire being housed in our Patrons’ Room! During the off-season, we’re also working on creating better dressing room spaces.
“We are truly excited about this remodeled space, especially our fitting room because it will be a cleaner, inviting space for our actors to better their experience,” said Mel Barger, costume shop supervisor.
Stay tuned for more updates and behind-the-scenes peeks!
This project is funded in part by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Program. With financial support from The City of Orlando.