Ned Averill Snell
Has appeared at Florida’s Asolo State Theatre (What the Butler Saw) and Indiana Repertory Theatre (On the Razzle). In his Tampa Bay home base, he has appeared at American Stage (Orgon in Tartuffe, James Tyrone in A Moon for the Misbegotten), Jobsite Theater (Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing, Teach in American Buffalo), The Tampa Repertory Theatre (Claudius in Hamlet, Hickey in The Iceman Cometh, Eddie Carbone in A View from the Bridge), and Stageworks Theatre (Juror 8 in 12 Angry Men). He has appeared at various Florida theaters in The Apocrypha of Theodore Roosevelt and at New York’s United Solo Festival in his solo play Little Tunes. Ned can be seen in the film Waiting on Mary on Amazon Prime and as surrealist André Breton in Midnight in Paris, a film component of a Surrealism exhibit touring American art museums.