Disney’s Dare to Dream JR. is a 60-minute musical revue that follows an eager group of trainees on their first day at a fictional Walt Disney Imagineering Studio. As the group sets out to help each other discover their dreams, they work together to explore the power of dreams to unite, inspire, and make anything possible. Drawing from a century of beloved Disney films, Dare to Dream JR. features songs appearing for the first time ever in a Disney stage musical, including fan-favorites from The Princess and the Frog, Coco, Encanto, and Frozen II.
This musical revue is a thrilling mix of contemporary songs, timeless classics, and brand-new medleys that are sure to surprise and delight Disney lovers of all ages. Designed specifically for today’s young performers and full of opportunities for ensembles big and small, Dare to Dream JR. turns a century of Disney magic into a theatrical celebration of music, creativity, and the dreams that live inside us all.
Performance: June 13 at 4pm